Thursday, November 16, 2006

Some Things Are Sacred

Well, my fellow Americans, it feels like the Dummycrats seized control of our Congress no more than nine days ago. And yet it is already clear that our once-great republic is trending toward Satan. As you may know, Satan often travels to our world in disguise, sometimes as a seemingly kind old man in a robe, sometimes as a senator-elect from Missouri. Claire McCaskill -- and this is nerve -- actually thanked Rush Limbaugh for helping to get her elected! Obviously, this is like thanking Jesus for Columbine. It's put me in such a foul mood that nothing could cheer me up except for the hilarious right-wing jokes I posted earlier this week.

The problem with the Dummycrats (that's what I call Democrats) is that they just don't understand that some things are sacred. To make the point clearly -- and to tide you over while you wait eagerly for the premiere of my Internet radio show, Ralph Piss: Piss On America (coming soon!) -- I've recorded some of my thoughts on the matter. Listen to Ralph Piss: Some Things Are Sacred to get the skinny on our national anthem, Francis Scott Key, and when human life really begins. (I'll give you a hint: I don't buy into the Conception Compromise.)

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