Tuesday, November 14, 2006

More Great Right-Wing Jokes

I recently posted some funny jokes to ease the pain of the Dummycrat siege that crushed our once-noble republic last Tuesday. And I got so many wonderful responses -- Irv from Wyoming writes, "Without these jokes, I definitely would have killed myself" -- that I decided to dip back into the bottomless well of Piss and post a few more. Enjoy, my fellow Americans!

Q: Why did the Democrats make us more vulnerable to a terrorist attack?
A: Because all they know how to do is raise taxes!

Q: What do you call a liberal who doesn't believe in God?
A: A left-wing atheist.

Abraham Lincoln, George W. Bush, and Nancy Pelosi are on an airplane, and the plane is going down, and there are only two parachutes. President Bush says, "You two take the parachutes just in case, but I think I can fly this plane!" And he does, and he saves their lives. And then Nancy Pelosi resigns.

Q: Why do they call it Affirmative Action?
A: Because they couldn't get into a good college, because they weren't black!

- Knock knock.
- Who's there?
- Appropriations bill.
- Appropriations bill who?
- Appropraitions bill someone else for it, after the Democrats ruin the economy!

Q: What do you call a feminist with a wedding ring?
A: A gay lesbian.

A man is sitting in his house, and all his friends come to the door, and they say, "A storm is coming! Let's evacuate to safety!" But the man says, "No, no, I'm not going anywhere. I have faith in God, and God will protect me." And that's exactly what happened. You didn't hear all this screaming about levees.

Q: What did Hitler say to Stalin?
A: I really enjoyed that Michael Moore film!

- Knock knock.
- Who's there?
- An unborn baby.
- An unborn baby who?
- You must be a liberal if you don't know who an unborn baby is!

Q: Why did everyone laugh at the stupid man?
A: Because he said he was against the war, but he voted to give the president the authority.

Well, I guess that's enough jokes for now, my fellow Americans. But who knows, if I get more letters, maybe I'll post more jokes. And watch for the first installment of my Internet radio show, Ralph Piss: Piss On America, coming soon! GET PISSED!


Anonymous said...

Hey are you serious man. I mean let me let you in on a little secret only 5 999 999 999 of us know this. Jokes are supposed to be funny. Yeah?? As in funny. Maybe you're one of those guys that tell jokes that aren't funny and that's the gag but sorry mate it ain't workin'.

Anonymous said...

that's right, even the republicans wouldn't want you speaking for them...get a life

Anonymous said...

right on, piss on america. defect to the other side.

hugo said...

viva hugo chavez