Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Height of Flip-Flopping

My fellow Americans, I didn't want to waste any of this precious space talking about liberal bloggers, because I didn't want to give them any attention. But I have been hurt, and I must speak. Basically, a lefty blogger named Noah Diamond helped me put this website together, because he said he wanted a diversity of opinion, or some such liberal hokum. And now I read on his disgusting Dummycrat blog that he denies he has "provided a forum for Piss." In fact, he says he doesn't even know me. This is the absolute height of liberal elitism and flip-flopping, and it hurt, and so I have decided to make a recording of me, Ralph Piss, telling the true story. I hope you enjoy it and I hope the liberals hate it. It's just to tide you over while you wait for the first installment of my Internet radio show, Ralph Piss: Piss On America, coming soon! Now that's enough time wasted on liberal bloggers...go read some of my funny right-wing jokes to ease the pain of last week's so-called elections!

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