Thursday, December 14, 2006




My fellow Americans, last night was my live performance comedy debut, and it was AMAZING! (Unless you ask Dummycrat Diamond, but notice that nobody did!) There was a packed house -- we actually had to turn people away, and I am in negotiations for an extended run at a larger venue! The enthusiastic crowd was wild for Piss! They lapped Piss right up, and I believe my comedy act was so strong that many who walked into the theatre as liberal Dummycrats left as conservative Pissketeers.

It was, by any standards, a glorious victory for both comedy and right-wing politics. Hearing that hysterical laughter, feeling that thundering applause -- two standing ovations, if I remember correctly! -- has changed Ralph Piss. I realize now that I was born to do more than simply spread the gospel of conservatism. I was also born to be on stage, to entertain. And I hereby resolve to keep on doing it, no matter what.

You'll be able to see video of last night's show soon, with additional footage, in the upcoming documentary Who is Ralph Piss? In the meantime, I'm sure you will enjoy these excerpts:

More soon, my fellow Americans. ONE RED STATE IN 2008! This is Ralph Piss, the successful right-wing humorist, saying IN GOD WE TRUST! Now go to work!


Anonymous said...

So sorry I missed it! Will you be performing again anytime soon? I hope so!

Anonymous said...

I hope you realize that by trying to mock someone with valid political views you are making your whole show look like a parody. Anyone who saw without knowing the background would think you were making fun of right wing America. I wish you were, then it might actually be funny.

Ralph Piss said...

Hey Anonymous, I mock the Dummycrats because they deserve it, and they do NOT have valid political views. My show does NOT look like a parody, and anyone who thinks I am making fun of RIGHT wing America must be a member of LEFT wing America! You probably think President Bush is making fun of right wing America too. And my act IS funny! Other than that, I agree with everything you said. Get a sense of humor, pal!

Anonymous said...

Look, seriously man, you really look like you are mocking conservatives. Your jokes are aren't the least bit funny, except for the John Kerry one with the prostitute, which was kind of funny. Also, that voice you do is REALLY hard to listen to, it sounds like you are trying to imitate a first-grader. As one conservative to really need to dump this act for another one. You know, Michael Savage has some good satire.

Anonymous said...

And singing our National Anthem in the manner you did was VERY insulting.

Ralph Piss said...

Murf, you just gave yourself away. Anyone who would be offended by OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM is obviously not a true conservative! Get out of here, troll -- this is a website for REAL AMERICANS!