I've been away for a while, my fellow Americans -- trying to cope with the terrible fact that on November 4, 2008, America fell to the terrorists! I was in rough shape for a while there! I didn't make it any easier on myself with all my BINGE DRINKING! Anyway, I've finally managed to pull myself together. Why? Because my country needs me. Now that America has gone Communist for the first time since Bill Clinton was in office, we need a Ralph Piss more than ever. And I, it just so happens, am a Ralph Piss. So I've been working on many fascinating projects, including a new opera called September 12.
But alas, there is also bad news. Some of the more devoted Piss Heads will recall that a few years back, around the time of my comedy performance debut, I fell in with a couple of despicable showfolk who had expressed an interest in making a documentary about Ralph Piss. Their vulgar hatchet job, entitled Who is Ralph Piss?, has just been released. This loathsome piece of Dummycrat propaganda was shamelessly manipulated, through clever film editing tricks. They are trying to discredit the conservative movement by making Ralph Piss look ridiculous!
I, Ralph Piss, condemn the documentary film Who is Ralph Piss?, and I urge you not to watch it. For more, here is my video response to the documentary:
1 comment:
I have some more thoughts on this film!Click here, Piss Heads! Piss out!
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