Life After Bush is the latest leftist garbage from the vile hate-merchants at Nero Fiddled. As hard as this is to imagine, it is even worse than their previous efforts. Burning Bush and Moral Value Meal were revolting, because they disrespected my President. But Life After Bush goes even further. It disrespects my Sarah!
About two-thirds of the way into this atrocious night of hero-smearing, my senses were dazzled by the sudden entrance of...SARAH PALIN, WHO I LOVE MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD! For a second, I was really happy! It was right in the middle of a terrible scene in which various members of the Nero Fiddled cell explained why they like to kill babies. I was about to have a barf problem, if you know what I mean, but then, there was my Sarah, as beautiful as ever! I figured she was there to shut down this terrible show, then take me in her arms and go someplace where we can be alone, if you know what I mean!
But no. Cruel, cruel life. It wasn't really her at all. Instead, it was the slimy Dummycrat diva Amanda Sisk, merely pretending to be my Sarah, probably in a pathetic attempt to get me into bed! Isn't it funny how these chicks all claim to be liberals, yet they all want to sleep with Ralph Piss?
After that, I really couldn't pay attention to the rest of the show, but I probably wasn't missng much. Based on the first two thirds, it wasn't going anywhere; it was a typical night of supporting the terrorists and saying what our enemies want to hear, and redistributing the wealth, without preconditions.
Tarik Davis, who played B. Hussein Obama, was not convincing at all; he didn't even wear a turban! And he spoke English the whole time! Avi Phillips as John McCain was a little bit better, because at least he was wearing an army helmet, which means he probably supports our troops. But what kind of a name is Avi? It sounds kind of Middle Eastern, doesn't it? Great -- another terrorist! I guess that's why they cast him as the ultra-liberal John McCain!
Brian Louis Hoffman returns as President Bush, and unfortunately his version of the character has not changed much since Burning Bush. Hoffman just doesn't have good insticts, I guess. He always plays President Bush as though he were not very smart. It's a bizarre choice, because as all God-fearing patriots know, President Bush is one of the intellectual giants of the modern world.
Sisk's performance as Hillary Clinton also misses the mark. It would have been much funnier if she stuffed something in her pants for the role. You know why? Because Hillary Clinton has BALLS! But unfortunately Nero Fiddled is just not capable of that kind of sophisticated political satire.
Those kinds of mistakes were all over the show. Sadrina Johnson played Michelle Obama, but she didn't even blow anything up. Kim Moscaritolo played the mainstream media, but without horns. (Both of these actresses seemed to be staring at me A LOT throughout the whole show, which might have thrown them off their game a little bit. It happens to me a lot, because all women want me! If you know what I mean!!!)
Another mistake: Moscaritolo, playing the reporter, stood up straight, as opposed to leaning to the left, the way the real media does. Obviously Kim Moscaritolo has never really watched the news. However, I have to admit that she was wonderful in the role of Cindy McCain! I just wish she had been a little less polite to the maid. It would have been great to see her kicking the help!
Also in the cast was Dummycrat Diamond, doing his usual tired schtick.
On the whole, Life After Bush is truly a disgusting night of theatre, reeking of liberal ideas, and determined to hide the truth about who B. Hussein Obama really is and what he would do to this country if he had a box-cutter. It was the worst thing I've seen since the last Nero Fiddled show, and probably the worst thing I will see until the next Nero Fiddled show.
But putting on a bad show isn't a crime. We can't all be gifted comic artists, like I am! (Watch my comedy clips to see how it's done!) But you know what is a crime? DISSING MY SARAH, who I LOVE, and who no matter how this election goes, I know will one day come and take me away and we will be HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! (If you know what I mean!)
Life After Bush sucked!
1 comment:
Also, I hated the choreography!
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