There is a BIG QUESTION that is burning in the minds of Americans. And that question is, WHO IS YOUR DADDY? There are two answers. BAD people (liberals, Dummycrats, tree-huggers, Communist Socialists, feminists, sinning homos) say the answer is GOVERNMENT. GOOD people (like Ralph Piss!) say the answer is GOD. With GOD as our daddy we are strong and brave and patriotic and FREE. With GOVERNMENT as our daddy we are SLAVES to secular multiculturalism which will destroy our MONEY, our GUNS, and our FREEDOM.
RALPH PISS is a man who will fight for God and freedom. AMERICAN God and freedom. He is a commentator, strategist, blogger, and also he is one of America's top conservative comedians. You can check out some of his great standup comedy by visiting THE RALPH PISS VIDEO CHANNEL on YouTube.
He is also the subject of the 2009 documentary film Who is Ralph Piss? But it is full of DISGUSTING LIBERAL LIES, and Ralph Piss was tricked into participating by a bunch of DUMMYCRATS that will stop at nothing to destroy Ralph Piss.
But THE TRUTH can never be destroyed. And RALPH PISS will keep on telling it!