1. Surrender and pull the troops out of Iraq, thereby giving the terrorists a chance to attack us again.
2. Make friends with known terrorists in Iran and Syria. (The liberal Dummycrats have a special word for making friends with terrorists. They call it "diplomacy.")
3. Turn our backs on everything our forefathers fought and died for.
4. Free abortions for everybody.
Now, why should anyone follow advice like that? Ralph Piss, for one, supports President Bush's plan, which goes like this:1. Kill the terrorists.
2. Liberate the people of Iraq.
3. Make America safer.
4. Freedom.
5. God.
And he didn't even need a blue-ribbon panel to come up with it. So who do you think should be making decisions for this country -- President Bush, or the terrorists? The I.S.G. is nothing but a bunch of SURRENDER MONKEYS! They are also RETREAT APES, TREASON BABOONS, and CUT AND RUN GORILLAS!
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